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PZ 250 CAP – Description

The PZ 250 CAP WL was developed for the precise positioning of semiconductor wafers with diameters up to 12”. In closed-loop operation the actuator offers motion in Z direction of 250 μm. Equipped with a capacitive sensor that overcomes hysteresis and drift, single steps in nanometers can be achieved. Specified positions can be held with high stability for a long periods. Due to its high stiffness, the PZ 250 CAP WL can carry loads up to 3 kg.

The PZ 250 CAP WL is well suited for applications in the semiconductor industry, solar panel production, lithography, and mask inspection.

Technical Data

Part #S-627-51 D
Motion in Open-Loop (±10%)*μm350
Motion in Closed-Loop*μm250
Dimensions (L x W x H)mm400 x 380 x 20
*Typical value measured with a 30DV50 amplifier. **The resolution is only limited by the noise of the power amplifier and metrology.


ScaniusOne – Description

The ScaniusOne is designed for positioning or scanning objects over large areas – up to 120 mm. This piezo based one axis stage provides unmatched precision.

The combination of high resolution, speed and motion is suitable for many different applications beyond just microscopy. ScaniusOne can achieve precise positioning of objects with masses up to 0.7 kg along the vertical direction.

Technical Data

Part #T-601-09
Maximum Velocitymm/s170
Smallest Stepnm100
Dimensions (L x W x H)mm230 x 100 x 26

PZ 700

PZ 700 – Description

The piezo positioner PZ 700 enables highly accurate positioning of the Z axis. The stage is driven by multilayer piezo ceramics. By using piezo ceramics in solid state flexure systems, motion without mechanical play is guaranteed. Based on its design the piezo positioner PZ 700 is pre-loaded and can be used dynamically.

The PZ 700 offers a large travel range of up to 700 µm and an inside aperture of 66 x 66 mm.

Technical Data

Part #S-605-90
Motion in Open-Loop (±10%)*μm700
Resolution Open-Loop**nm1.4
Dimensions (L x W x H)mm120 x 112 x 28
Inside Aperturemm66 x 66
*Typical value measured with a NV 40/3 amplifier (closed-loop: NV 40/3 CLE amplifier) **The resolution is only limited by the noise of the power amplifier and metrology.

PZ 400 OEM

PZ 400 OEM – Description

Due to solid state flexure and parallelogram construction, the PZ 400 OEM nano-positioning stage can travel without any mechanical play in the X or Z axes, and provide a much higher resolution than is possible with mechanical or electromechanical systems.

This PZ piezo stage can be easily combined with XY-elements of the XYZ series or with tilting piezoelectric modules of the PSH series to allow positioning with all degrees of freedom. Additionally this z-axis nano-positioning stage can run dynamically.

The PZ 400 OEM can optionally be equipped with an integrated measurement system (strain gauge sensors) that compensates for hysteresis.

Technical Data

Part #S-628-00S-628-01
Motion in Open-Loop (±10%)*μm400400
Motion in Closed-Loop (±0,2%)*μm320
Resolution Open-Loop**nm0.80.8
Resolution Closed-Loop**nm8
Dimensions (L x W x H)mm66 x 20 x 2466 x 20 x 27.5
*Typical value measured with a NV 40/3 amplifier (closed-loop: NV 40/3 CLE amplifier).
**The resolution is only limited by the noise of the power amplifier and metrology.

PZ 400

PZ 400 – Description

Due to solid state flexure and parallelogram construction, the PZ 400 nano-positioning stage can travel without any mechanical play in the X or Z axes, and provide a much higher resolution than is possible with mechanical or electromechanical systems.

This PZ piezo stage can be easily combined with XY-elements of the XYZ series or with tilting piezo-electric modules of the PSH series to allow positioning with all degrees of freedom. Additionally this Z-axis nano-positioning stage can run dynamically.

The PZ 400 can optionally be equipped with an integrated measurement system (strain gauge or capacitive sensors) that compensates for drift and hysteresis.

Technical Data

Part #T-118-00T-118-01
Motion in Open-Loop (±10%)*μm400400
Motion in Closed-Loop (±0,2%)*μm320
Resolution Open-Loop**nm0.80.8
Resolution Closed-Loop**nm8
Dimensions (L x W x H)mm52 x 48 x 28.552 x 48 x 28.5
*Typical value measured with a NV 40/3 amplifier (closed-loop: NV 40/3 CLE amplifier) **The resolution is only limited by the noise of the power amplifier and metrology.