Shutter Slit Systems -
For Controlling Light

Piezo technology allows for precision beam control.

For Laser Optics, Spectroscopy and Switches

Shutter slit systems utilize a single piezo stack acctuator to create symmetrical an open-close motion of two slit edges. The most common market for these systems is the photonics industry where they are used for beam shaping and collimation.

The piezo-electric slit system can be equipped with a strain gauge measurement system to avoid hysteresis, creep, and temperature effects. The positioning accuracy of the piezo element with integrated measurement system is typically 0.1% or better.

The PZS series shutter slit systems are available in UHV compatible version and with different body and slit edge materials (INVAR).

PZS 3 Pictured


Some systems offer edges made from steel, or from invar. The optional measurement system uses a strain gauge sensor.

Common applications include: optics, spectroscopy, vacuum systems, optical switches, and shutters and scanners.

System Characteristics:

  • Symmetrical movement of two slit edges
  • Driven by a single piezo actuator
  • Max opening size from 60 µm to 1500 µm
  • Nanometer resolution
  • Vacuum compatible versions
  • Optional measurement system


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