Terms and Conditions of piezosystem jena, Inc.
Design Criteria
The criteria for customer acceptance is the successful assembly of these components into a functioning assembly that will drive the mechanism to above mentioned positions, resolutions, accuracy, speed, and stability including machine logic sequences as defined in this proposal. Process issues involved beyond the mechanisms supplied by piezosystem jena cannot be included in the acceptance criteria for this machine.
Disclaimer Statement
The products outlined in this proposal are designed for users having technical expertise. Before you select or use any products or system it is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the recommended products. The customer, through their own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, safety, and warning requirements of the application are met.
Offer of Sale
The terms of sale are Net 30 upon credit approval, FOB shipment point (Hopedale, MA). All orders are shipped prepaid and insured. Shipping and insurance charges are added to the invoice. Any loss or damage claims are the customer’s responsibility and should be filed with the insurer. Invoices over 30 days late will be charged a late fee of 1% of the invoice amount per month. Many of our suppliers use a JIT manufacturing system; thus they will schedule delivery to meet your production needs. Delivery dates are approximate only and piezosystem jena shall have no liability for any delays in delivery. Special ordered Non-stocked items are subject to restocking charges. Cancellation charges will be assessed against work in progress and development costs incurred. Custom products are non-returnable.
Blanket Orders
Blanket Orders are accepted for delivery schedules of up to 1 year. The period of 1 year begins with actual delivery of the first scheduled items of the blanket order. We allow cancellations of standard parts subject to a 20% restocking fee. Cancellation of non-standard custom parts will be subject to costs involved for work already completed. An extension of delivery schedule will be allowed. However, we will charge an inventory financing fee of 1% per month of the value of the outstanding non-delivered parts.
Limited Warranty
piezosystem jena liability arising from or in any way connected with the items sold shall be limited exclusively to repair or replacement of the items sold or refund of the purchase price paid by the buyer, at piezosystem jena sole option. In no event shall piezosystem jena be liable for any incidental or consequential cost or special damages of any kind as the result of product defects, failure, delivery delays or non-delivery of equipment or services are specifically not covered by the terms of the warranty and may not be deemed to be implied in the contract, unless specifically agreed to in writing by piezosystem jena.
This proposal was prepared with the most current information available at the time of last discussions. Should we discover or be advised in subsequent discussions of changes that will affect design or production costs, we reserve the right to withdraw or revise this proposal. This quote is valid for 30 days.
The information contained in this proposal is and remains the exclusive property of piezosystem jena including all sizing information, product designs, copyrights, and patents. The person, persons or corporations receiving this information agrees, by accepting this document, that they will treat the information as confidential, they will not disclose, transmit or pass the same to others without the express written consent of piezosystem jena.