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hpower Shock

hpower Shock – Description

Mechanical impacting is involved in many technical process such as demolition of concrete by chiseling, structure borne sound analysis, impact-echo analysis of extended structures, characterization of material properties at high strain rates, and indentation hardness tests.

To generate an impact a hard-mass body is accelerated during a starting phase (e.g. a hammer head) and collides with a hard counterpart (e.g. chisel) within μs.

The starting and contact phases of an impact scenario are difficult to be exactly reproduced. Common setups of precision impact measurement do not allow high repetition rates. Another challenge is the precise timing of the impact. Meanwhile composite materials require more and more accurate testing methods. hpower shock generators follow a different approach. Our piezo technology uses an adaptive impact generation principle, where impact parameters and timing are controlled by electrical driving conditions. Thus – hpower shock piezo actuators have advantages over traditional solutions.

Technical Data

UNITPIA 1000/16/150PIA 1000/35/80
Blocking ForcekN835
Resonant FrequencykHz721
Dimensions – Lmm193162

hpower Shake

hpower Shake – Description

Speed and power are a potent combination that is often hard to achieve simultaneously. In most cases, one needs to be sacrificed to achieve the other. To achieve both, traditional solutions need to combine different technologies, such as hydraulics and mechanical drives that takes up space and comes at great expense.

With our PiSha shaker series, we take our energy dense, high powered systems and compact them further into stiff, superbly dynamic systems. Hpower shakers deliver speeds up to 100kHz, while maintaining force capabilities up to 10kN, all under 100mm in length. These systems all preloaded and encased to allow for top performance in highly dynamic running conditions. These piezo actuators are often used in for applications such as HALT (Highly Accelerated Lifecyle Testing) for small electronic components such as MEMS, and other forms of materials testing.

hpower shake piezo actuators can work very fast. They have the capability to generate high force modulations and can move high masses. To achieve the best results and best technical parameters hpower shake actuators have to be optimized for every application. There are no off-the-shelf (standard) actuators for these high-end technical solutions.

Technical Data

(See Datasheet PDFs below this chart for the complete list of product variations)

4 Example ProductsUNITPiSha 150/35/1PiSha 150/16/3PiSha150/35/80PiSha 1000/10/25
Blocking ForceN5000180075004000
Resonant FrequencykHz40302330
Dimensions – Lmm33359642

hpower Actuators

hpower Actuators – Description

hpower solid stack actuators are comprised of our smart PZT ceramics, optimized to deliver high power with dynamic performance. hpower stack actuators are unique with a disk layering design, and serve as the straight forward solution to many applications. These actuators feature a motion range up to 260 µm and higher upon request – with forces up to 50kN.

All of our piezo actuators have both encased and bare stack options, with and without a preload. Preloaded actuators allows for increased dynamic capabilities by protecting the system from problematic tensile forces. Encasing the actuators also protects them from the environment, and can be augmented to allow for operation in vacuum conditions and increased thermo-stability for longer run times. All of our actuators can also have acceleration/force measurement and position systems integrated.

The PSt series comes without casing and without a preload. The PSt VS series comes with casing and with a preload. There is a wide variety of hpower high-power piezo actuators (stacks and rings) available for applications such as materials testing and shock generation.

Technical Data

(See Datasheet PDFs below this chart for the complete list of product variations)

4 Example ProductsUNITPSt 1000/35/07PSt 1000/35/80 PSt 1000/16/7 VS25PSt 1000/35/150 VS45
Resonant FrequencykHz6015407
Dimensions – Lmm97229 154

Series PAHS

Series PAHS – Description

The new PAHS piezo actuators achieve higher motion than a conventional actuator of similar length. With more than four times higher travel they are a perfect solution when space is limited but high resolution requirements exist.

PAHS actuators operate with the same voltage band of 150V and can therefore be easily integrated into existing systems using the same controllers.

Like PAHL piezo actuators, PAHS actuators have high blocking forces and can move large masses. Due to the integrated mechanical pre-load, they can work under tensile forces and in dynamic applications. They also have high resonant frequencies guaranteeing fast settling times.

Technical Data

(See Datasheet PDF below this chart for the complete list of product specifications)

Part #P-181-00P-186-00
Motion @ -20…130V*μm40240
Capacitance **μF3.521
Resolution OL***nm0.090.54
Dimensions – Lengthmm4691
*Typical value measured with 0.3mV controller. **Typical value for a small electrical field strength. ***Typical values, measured at -20V…+130V.

Series P/S

Series P/S Description

P/S piezo actuators have a hermetically sealed housing that allows for use in aggressive and humid environments. The construction of the housing tightly encloses the stack, also reducing mechanical play.

The M3 thread in the bottom plate allows for easy adaptation in existing systems and guarantees exact positioning.

Depending on the model, these piezo actuators offer motion from 18 µm up to 70 µm.

Technical Data

(See Datasheet PDFs below this chart for the complete list of product variations)

3 Example ProductsUNITP18/S08P50/S13P7/S22
Part #P-752-30P-755-00P-757-50
Motion (±10%)*μm185070
Capacitance (±20%)**μF0.54.521.6
Dimensions – Lengthmm307190.5
*Typical value measured with an NV40/3 amplifier. **Typical value for small electrical field strength. ***The resolution is only limited by the noise of the power amplifier.